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 Proven to be a very stable program. I have used AllAdvantage for over a year and save for a few Data Base blackouts, the program has run very smoothly. Payouts are on time, customer service is prompt, payout rates are average but add up fast with unlimited referrals. Good Program (Added: 17-Jun-2000)  pop
Hits: 64  Rating: 9.50  Votes: 2  Rate It  
 Get paid for doing absolutely ANYTHING on your computer, as long as you are using your mouse!!!Participation is absolutely FREE!! Unlimited earning potential - Make as much money as you want with unlimited referral abilities! (Added: 17-Jun-2000)  pop
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 Self proclaimed "best 'Get Paid To' Package on the web". Pays up to .70 an hour for surfing with additional payouts for playing games, receiving email, and for registering for services. Allows unlimited referals 5 levels deep (Added: 17-Jun-2000)

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